Teaching experience & qualifications, classes, workshops and lectures:
Gitta teaches Dance Technique and Improvisation, Mary Wigman Dance Training and Lectures, Group Motion, Dance for Children (training, performance, production), Yoga for Dancers, Partnering Yoga, Repertory Projects, Performance Projects, Dance/Movement Therapy and Vocal-Dance.
Places she has taught include:
Group Motion, Philadelphia; Ausdruckstanz Dance Theater, Philadelphia; Philadelphia College for the Performing Arts; University of Delaware; Antioch College, OH; Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ; Naropa University, Boulder CO; Tanzfabrik, Berlin Germany; Tanz – und Theaterwerkstatt, Frankfurt, Germany; Sporthochschule, Cologne, Germany; ELABO Rennes, France; Triangle, Rennes, France.
Brigitta Herrmann is offering individual sessions, workshops and performances.
To see my Dance / Movement Therapy page, please click here
To see my current/upcoming projects and workshops, please click here